About AMVETS Post 18
Serving Wounded Warriors, Active, Reserve, and National Guard Service Members, Veterans, and their Families living and working in the Northern Shenandoah Valley, American Veterans (AMVETS) Post 18 is the only local Veterans Service Organization (VSO) that welcomes all U.S. Service Members whether serving currently or honorably discharged, to include National Guard and Reserve personnel.
AMVETS Post 18 also welcomes all Family Members interested in supporting their Service Members or Veterans, as well as others, through community and outreach programs.
AMVETS Post 18 is steadily growing in membership and continues to look for new members to assist us with expanding our community and outreach programs.
Outreach programs include maintaining money to fund the Laurel Ridge Community College Veterans Textbook Fund Loan Program; teaming with the Virginia Employment Commission, other VSOs, and local businesses to offer local job fairs for transitioning Service Members, Veterans, and the general public; sponsoring Scouts for leadership and growth experienced and Eagle projects; supporting fundraising events for the Boulder Crest Retreat; donating items and labor to the Henry and William Evans Home for Children; participating in local Memorial Day and Veterans Day remembrance and celebration events; collecting and donating toys for the annual Toys for Tots campaign; supporting the local Young Marines unit; and participating in and sponsoring other Military and Veterans outreach programs in our service area.
AMVETS Post 18 Business Meetings are held on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 6:30 pm in the Post Home, 851 Green Street, Stephens City, VA.